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What grade do you give yourself?

Early tomorrow, I will have to check out of my room and leave to Vietnam, I'm spacing out and feeling overwhelmed by all the thinks I still have to do before leaving. It's very hard to focus and trade when this sentiment arise. Today, I give myself an "A" for irritability , an "B" for procrastination and an "F" for following my trading plan....there are days like today, knowing it and improving it is a path on the right direction.

"If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress." Barack Obama

Have you accomplished everything t you had to do or wanted to get done? Have you worked at your daily goals and have you acquired new knowledge? Did you follow your trading plan and work on the process? Did you progress or did you regress today? We all have thoughts to ponder as we try to figure out the correct path to follow.

Live each and every moment to its full potential and do not waste any days because all of us have limited time to accomplish our goal.

It doesn’t matter if we give ourselves an A or an F when it comes to grading ourselves, we should all strive to be better each and every day, to walk in the right path, to fulfill our goals. Just because we gave ourselves an A today, it doesn’t mean we should stop progressing tomorrow. Or because we gave ourselves an F, doesn't give us the right to stop working hard step by step towards an A. Without struggle, there's no progress.

"I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift nor easy." Marie Curie


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