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How to be more SELF-CONFIDENT?

After a late dinner, I was walking down an area I've never been and got lost on my way back to the hotel in a dark and shady alley, suddenly one question popped in my head...what if I get mugged? That silly question soon shade place to a deeper question, what is self-confidence? Do you believe in yourself? Or do you let your fear and doubts overcome you?

What is "confidence"?

Confidence is having faith in oneself. Confidence can also be described as a belief in one's ability to succeed a task or overcome an obstacle.

Therefore to be "self-confident" means to have faith in yourself, to your life's mission, and to believe in your own self-constructed process and the ability to achieve your goal.

Why is confidence important?

I personally don’t think you can achieve much in life without a certain dose of self-confidence.To live a truly fulfilling life, you must act. By doing something positive to yourself and to others, by making something that matters you take ACTION, and in return that will also boost your self-confidence.

Don’t boost your self-esteem with material things.

Sitting at a coffee shop at EMQartier Mall, I can glimpse at the table next to me, some rich kids wearing fancy clothes, bragging their gadgets and talking makes me smile with deep satisfaction, as I am writing this article.

Status symbols makes insecure people feel more self-confident.

We are all hungry for self-confidence and self-esteem. But there's many ways we can falsely boost our self-confidence. For example, we want more self-confidence manifested through exterior appearances, thus we spend a lot of money on useless things...the latest hot fashion items, fancy cars, nice watches, etc.

But we should never forget...

We are all unique and have special strengths, skills, and talents, thus we should never compare ourselves to others. We should keep striving for more experiences, knowledge and keep learning, in return we will acquire more self-confidence and self-esteem.

We shouldn't worry too much about what others think if us, instead just keep “being ourselves”, and focus on what we determine is important in our own life, everything else is secondary.


"Stay hungry, stay foolish" steve jobs

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